Monday, May 11, 2009

Studio Bits

Here are some recent bits from my studio. They are made of muslin, and in the case of the dolls & bird pieces, they are sewn, stuffed, painted & sanded. The dolls are dressed with little clothes I've fashioned or painted right on to them. The bird sits on a stick that is fastened into a wooden candlestick. He (looks like a he, don't you think?) is part of a series.

The painted quilt is sandwiched muslin & cotton batting, machine quilted, painted & sanded and painted some more.

All patterns and designs are original to my mind & fingers EXCEPT the one in the orange dress, the first painted doll I ever made (!) and the body is from a pattern by Susanna Oroyan from her book "Anatomy of a Doll" 1997 published by C&T Publishing, Inc. You can find her wonderful and inspiring books on

1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOSH! I love ALL of these! I can't wait to see what else your amazing artistic fingers/brain come up with.
